

The outcome of the work of museums in general and educational and pedagogical departments are not objects. Even their museum narrative, albeit objective terms the study, only templates for what will be remembered, interpreted and experienced. It is fortunate that educational and pedagogical department does not keep and 'produces' tangible objects but frameworks in which anyone can create. However, behind the idea the is the action that enables the audience to really shape what will be part of the museum program. Thus were created the programs: "War Gazette", " Museum reality photography," "The heritage through my lens," "Palanka and its community (in) the eyes of young people", "My Museum", "Secrets of the Museum," "Tree of Life" and " Children's art salon ".

Topics for walking systems are possible talks, therefore, texts which enable every visitor, whether alone or in a group visit to the museum, to recognize the knowledge that one has about and around museum contents and incorporate newly created `texts` into their own interpretation of everyday life or holidays. The lowest common denominator for all the exhibitions where the audience meets the educational and pedagogical department is walking and talking through the museum spaces as a fundamental anthropological feature that pervades every aspect of human communication based on friendship. Here you can add a list of all the exhibitions in the last 15 years and multiply it with infinite themes that they open. This concept made it possible to walk through the museum even when no artifact is showcased.

After each visit, a story leaves the museum building without an inventory number being placed on it. Through programs this kind of approach becomes apparent. There is, in fact, a way for museum toi exit its own media and enter public opinion and mass media. Educational and pedagogical department in years of its existence created newspapers, radio shows, and television programs, but also designed the internet presence of the museum in the world of social networks.

Coincidentally, in the framework of the educational and pedagogical department, there were also exhibitions, their reflections in the form of paper catalogs and professional and popular publications. With texts and visual embodiment to the advancements in a text. Topics that are educational and pedagogical department deals with are textual nature of the museum, anthropology of the museum, anthropology of everyday life, the museum and its relations to other media etc.


The exposition "The Guardians of the Fire" was created in 2016 in response to the need to establish a relationship with the fifty years long duration of the National Museum. The construction of the exhibition folloved the idea that it is possible to distinguish several tightly linked threads that point out the directions of development of the museum so far and the possibilities for its future relationship with himself: fire (the seal of the Museum is the hand that guards the fire), look outside (possible meanings of the museum for the community for which he heridates that are presented in newspaper notes folloving the museum existence), look inside (testimonials that ware created as part of the process of creation and development of the museum) and personalities that have dedicated themselves to developing their activities Museum. Immaterial and elusive phenomenon of fire as the primary symbol of the exhibition is consequently dialectic: established between the plane of "reading" museum symbols and sublimed expression of those countless stories that museum visitors `take away from the museum. This is the antipode formulation of value that was the object of the interpretation in general exposition settings. That is precisely the vision of the museum as it should be. The motive for the exhibition and the need to talk about the museum as a whole meant tthat all of these threads had to me expressed through testimonials from of archaeological, historical, artistic, ethnological, documentation and funds based of an anthropological approach of interpretation.

In the spirit of the museums openness to the continual change the exhibition "Guardians of fire" changed its contents and emphasis: the paintigs gifted to the museum through the campaign "Gift to the Museum" became a part of the exhibition, on three occasions new contents were to speak about the indicated but not fully expressed features of the exhibitions, when part of the "disappeared" from the exhibition through their visual and textual interpretation they ware the objects of the `gossip` till the its final "paper" form of an exhibition catalog that incorporates the book of impressions. The exposition "Spirit of donated things," expresses the overgrowth phenomenon of giving that has an important place in the history of our museum, and hence in the exhibition "Guardians of fire".